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LeedsBID Governance

The establishment and operation of a BID is governed by legislation – Part 4 of the Local Government Act 2003 and the Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004.

LeedsBID operates as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and has a Board of voluntary Directors.

The BID Board is responsible for the strategic and financial management of the BID and meets on a quarterly basis as a minimum. The split of representation on the Board reflects the sector breakdown of the BID levy paying businesses across the city.

Alongside the BID Board there will be short-life and/or ongoing working groups focused on specific issues as the need arises. These groups will always have at least one Director in their membership and any necessary budget will be agreed at Board level.

Annual accounts will be produced alongside an annual review and these will be made available to levy paying businesses.

As required by the BID legislation, LeedsBID will enter into legal agreements with Leeds City Council as follows:

  • Baseline agreement – this will set out the minimum service standards to be delivered by Leeds City Council along with any additional agreed discretionary services within the BID area
  • Operating agreement – this defines the contractual arrangements for the collection and enforcement of the BID levy

LeedsBID Levy Rules

When formulating the BID Levy Rules for LeedsBID, consideration has been given to the Industry Research and Guidance from The BID Foundation and other industry bodies.

1. A BID levy of 1.25% of rateable value will be charged on all eligible hereditaments listed in the 2017 local Non-Domestic Rating List as at 1st April 2017.

2. All new hereditaments entering the Rating List after 30th August 2019 will be levied at 1.25% of the rateable value in the prevailing list.

3. A threshold of £60,000 Rateable Value will be applied, thereby exempting any businesses within the BID area falling below £60,000 Rateable Value.

4. The BID levy may increase by an inflationary factor of up to 2% in successive years (i.e. up from 1.25% to 1.27% in year 2). The board will assess if any increase is appropriate each year, giving careful consideration to the economic environment. (Nb. No inflationary increase was applied by the LeedsBID board between 2015-2020, i.e. the levy remained at 1.25% for five consecutive years.)

5. The term of the BID will be five years from 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2025.

6. The levy will be charged annually in advance for each chargeable period from April to March each year, starting in 2020. No refunds will be made.

7. In the case of an empty or untenanted premises, the property owner will be liable for the BID levy with no void period and will be entitled to vote.

8. A cap on annual levy payable will be set at £25,000 per hereditament.

9. Reliefs and discounts do not apply to the LeedsBID levy.

Overview of the Governance structure

All directors of LeedsBID are volunteers and do not receive any remuneration for their position.  An independent recruitment process is undertaken by Brewster and Partners throughout the Business Improvement District term. The recruitment process analyses the sector make-up alongside the skills and abilities of potential directors to support the executive team in delivery of the business plan. Independent interviews take place before recommending appointment to the board by an ordinary resolution or by a decision of the directors.

The board is made up of predominantly levy-paying businesses and includes two positions for non-levy paying businesses who are recruited for their expertise, and two ex-officio positions for the Leeds Chamber of Commerce and Leeds City Council executive member.  The chair is elected at the first meeting of the year by the current board members.  Board directors serve an initial period of 2 years and then are voted in annual thereafter or make way for new board directors.

Updates are communicated regularly through the monthly e-newsletter and at our autumn Annual General Meeting.

A register of all pecuniary and personal interests

When appointed, all directors are requested to complete a related party form, detailing information on other directorship, personal interests and family business interests.  This is to ensure complete transparency when discussing issues relating to the LeedsBID business plan and procurement of contracts.

The register of all pecuniary and personal interest is a standing board agenda item, and the chair ensures that all directors update this regularly and declare any new interests at each meeting they attend.

Details of board directors are shared at our AGM, through our company audit and in our ‘year in review’ which can be found in the document section of the web site.

Should any levy-paying business wish to see this register, they can make their request through our enquiry email: enquiry@leedsbid.co.uk

Procurement Policy

The number one priority for LeedsBID regarding procurement is to directly invest back into the levy payers, wherever possible, so that a direct return on their investment is received.

The following supplier locations must therefore be prioritised:

Priority + Location of supplier

  1. Leeds BID area
  2. Non-BID Leeds area
  3. Yorkshire
  4. UK
  5. Overseas

The second priority for LeedsBID to consider is whether a preferred supplier should be used. The supplier must fulfil one of the following criteria:

  • is highly specialist and a suitable alternative supplier cannot be identified.
  • Is highly commercially confident and information regarding the need for this service is confidential and therefore we do not wish to release into the public domain.
  • Relies on knowledge from a relevant previous collaboration with a supplier.

The following procurement authorisation limits must be followed:

Authorisation Process

Under £10k
CEO authorisation based on value for money, price, ability to deliver within timescales, experience, reputation, recommendation, warranty, guarantee.

£10k  – £50k
Commission or advertise the work from a range of suppliers with a minimum of 3 written quotes. This will be presented as part of the budget for the year ahead at the February board.

Over £50k
Commission or advertise the work from a range of suppliers with a minimum of 3 written quotes. This will follow a formal tender process. The panel for decision making will include at least one board member and one member of the senior management team.

Our board Resources